The audience will be update on advances in the following areas:
- Epidemiology: especially the rising prevalence of diabetic macular oedema and the declining prevalence of diabetes induced blindness
- Imaging: the critical importance of OCT imaging of the retina; new technologies to examine retinal blood flow, especially OCT angiography and adaptive optics
- Retinal non-perfusion and diabetic retinopathy are associated, even in non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy
- Modifiable pathways in diabetic retinopathy - especially VEGF; discussion of the role of fenofibrate
- Update on screening: new item numbers; DCCT/EDIC results on stratifying screening intervals by HbA1c; artificial intelligence approaches
- New results in treating diabetic retinopathy: anti-VEGF as an alternative to laser for both proliferative diabetic retinopathy and macular oedema
- Role of surgery for diabetic retinopathy