Children with type 1 diabetes and their families living in rural SA have historically travelled to Adelaide 4 times a year to access their specialist service. The tyranny of distance and travel expectations is a significant barrier for some families and has seen children go without the timely access to specialist services currently outlined in the clinical practice guidelines.
To develop a model of care that improves access for rural children with type 1 diabetes and their families to metropolitan based specialist services
3 monthly telehealth video-conferencing clinics are undertaken with the paediatric endocrinologist from the Women’s and Children’s Hospital endocrine unit. All pre consultation work up is undertaken locally and securely transmitted to the specialist. Follow up medication adjustments are undertaken locally with the diabetes nurse practitioner. Local support from Paediatrician is integrated into the service
More than 180 videoconferencing consultations have been conducted since commencing the service in October 2013. The service has successfully facilitated and improved access to metropolitan based endocrinology services. Evaluation undertaken with the families has been very positive with high level of satisfaction. For example; there is strong support for continuation of service, families also identified significant financial and time savings.