Andrew Hattersley Australian Diabetes Society and the Australian Diabetes Educators Association Annual Scientific Meeting 2017

Andrew Hattersley

Professor Andrew Hattersley FRCP, FMedSci, FRS is the Professor of Molecular Medicine at the University of Exeter and a consultant diabetologist at the Royal Devon and Exeter hospital.. He has published over 550 papers with over 45,000 citations in both molecular and clinical science research. He was appointed as a fellow of The Royal Society in 2010. He has worked on monogenic diabetes for over 25 years. His work combines clinical observations, cutting edge molecular genetics and in depth clinical and physiological studies. He has described 12 new subtypes of monogenic diabetes and developed diagnostic and treatment approaches for monogenic diabetes that are adopted throughout the world. With Professor Sian Ellard he has taken Exeter from a centre without a genetics lab in 1995 to being the top international lab for monogenic diabetes and has had over 9,000 referrals from over 80 countries worldwide. Recent work has focused on identifying subgroups in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes with different treatment responses – an approach he termed “Precision Diabetes”.

Abstracts this author is presenting: