Oral Presentation Australian Diabetes Society and the Australian Diabetes Educators Association Annual Scientific Meeting 2017

NADC activities leading to better diabetes services (#24)

Natalie Wischer 1
  1. National Association of Diabetes Centres, Sydney, NSW, Australia

The National Association of Diabetes Centres (NADC) has been focused on improving the standards of care provided to people with diabetes for over 20 years. Under the leadership of ADS, the NADC has continued over the last 12 months to set the standards of diabetes care for services through their accreditation programs as well as provide opportunities for organisations to benchmark their services through the annual ANDA audit.

The NADC continues to innovate and implement projects that support all diabetes services and this session will provide an overview of the 2016/2017 program achievements and provide a summary on future projects that continue to support the implementation of many elements of the National Diabetes Strategy.