Poster Presentation Australian Diabetes Society and the Australian Diabetes Educators Association Annual Scientific Meeting 2017

Audit Results of blood glucose meters used in a major metropolitan hospital network (#370)

Gillian M Krenzin 1 , Cheryl Steele 1
  1. Diabetes and Endocrinology Centre, Western Health, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Background: Poor glycaemic control is a major factor in delayed discharge from hospital. Accurate monitoring of blood glucose levels for inpatient care is vital to ensuring good glycaemic control. Our hospital has an inpatient incidence of 30% patients with diabetes. Our facility uses the AMSL Stat Strip Xpress meter system. 

Aims: To ensure that all meters used in our clinical areas are well maintained, the test strips and control solutions are in date and that the quality assurance (QA) tests are carried out in line with the Organisational Policy.

Methods: An audit was conducted over all campuses of our health network involving 178 devices. The workstation and the meter were examined to ensure good working order. The expiry date on the test strips and recording of the date opened and the date of opening of the control solutions were checked. The meter log books were examined.

Findings: Maintenance of meters and workstations was very good or good in 170/178 (95.5%) meters

13/178 (7.3%) meters had a date opened on the test strips and control solutions.

70/178 (39.3%) meters had a daily quality control check (QCC) performed and a further 54/178 (30.3%) had a weekly test performed. 3/178 (1.6%) meters had no QCC performed.

Discussion: Dose adjustments for patients on insulin are based on the results of glucose monitoring and it is therefore vital that the meters are maintained and that strips are current.

To improve ward awareness and compliance with quality assurance (QA) Nurse Unit Managers were offered support and in-services for their staff. The Diabetes Education team and the clinical educators worked together to improve compliance.

Conclusion:  There needs to be constant education and reinforcement to nursing staff to ensure that glucose meters are well maintained and QA testing is performed in line with Organisational Policy.